Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 7, 2016

Difficult: So do alternating groups A_n have order 3n?
Reflective: Corollary 8.28 could have been helpful on the last homework.  And 8.31.

I think any named theorem is important out of what we've studied.  I also think general knowledge of rings, groups and quotient rings/groups are fundamental to whatever will show up on the test.

I need work on polynomial rings in general.  Like the proof of Theorem 5.11 would be great.  I don't see any sample problems including polynomials (which I like), but if you're planning on sneaking one in, I'd like to see a similar example :).

In this course I learned how to do mathematical proofs.  To be honest, I probably won't use this much after I graduate next week, but it has helped me stop feeling like I was a complete failure as a math major.  I thought I would go my entire college career and not figure out what every math major is expected to be good at, and I felt so defeated.  But I finally became able to do it this semester, and this class helped immensely.  I can now proudly say I graduated in Math instead of feeling like I just scraped by the entire time.  So that's pretty huge.